Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was an American paintist, Film-Maker and a pintmaker. I thought that I would include his elements of using bright colours to my magazine because the idea of 'Pop Art' would go well with my 'Pop' magazine. I thought that the bright colours and colour blocking would express the 'Pop' genre.

A good exmaple of this is when Madonna released her album 'Celebration', on the cover she used a picture of when she was younger with Andy Warhol effects. I think that Madonna has done this because she, has become such a iconic character for the 'Pop' culture. She has reinvented herself and her music so many times. Through her music, you can clearly see her change through the stages of her life, for example she started off with songs like 'Lucky Star' and 'Like a Virgin' which represented the adolescent age of her life. At the age that she currently 52, she has still continues to create hits and re-create the sound of her music. She collaborates with younger artists like 'Justin Timberlake' and 'Pharrel Williams' to try and appeal to a more younger audience that wasn't there at the time when she first came onto the scene. Looking at the album cover, you can clearly see the resemblence to the Marilyn Manroe canvas. When Warhol did the Marilyn Manroe canvas, he did more than one. I think that he did this because he was trying to express the different sides of Marilyn.
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