Tuesday 15 February 2011

Pitch Feedback

I thought that my pitch went very well, I presented a 'Animoto' presentation pictures and ideas of what my magazine would be like. I chose the song 'Music' by Madonna as the background to the presentation, I thought I got my ideas across clear and concise, I put the artists which I would like to be in my magazine like Madonna, Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga. There, right at the start you knew the feel of what kind of Music was going to be in the magazine. Then presentation moved onto the inpiration of Andy Warhol and his 'Pop Art' which I wanted to incorporate into the magazine. I wanted it to have an artistic edge to it instead of just being a plain music magazine, I thought that this would a good way of attracting to different audiences. In the pitch, I also showed that I the magazine to be Fashion forward but not focusing on the Fashion too much as it is a Music Magazine. But I thought that by making it just a bit Fashionable, it would make it more appealing to the younger audiences I am trying to attract.

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