Wednesday 23 March 2011

Evaluation - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A publishing company is a company which is the occupation, business, or activity of preparing and issuing books, journals, and other material for sale so they are available for the public.

The publishing company who I think would publish my magazine would be someone like Conde Nast, I have chosen this particular company because they currently do not publish a music magazine so I think that my magazine would be a perfect addition to the collection. Conde Nast are globally known for publishing some of the major magazines, from VOGUE, GQ, Vanity Fair, LOVE and many more. Most of their magazines are mainly fashion based, but I think that because my magazine is incorporating music, fashion and art. I really think that it would appeal to some of the usual readers from the other magazines. For example I could get some of the young readers of VOGUE to read my magazine because of the fashion, then I could get some of the readers from GQ for the art and culture so I think that by binding different elements besides from just having a music magazine, it would really be a good addition to the company as they already have a family of major well known magazines so it would be easier to get readers to come and buy the magazine.

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