Friday, 25 March 2011

Evaluation - Who would be the audience for your media product?

In my head, I can see the target audience of my magazine. I think that the magazine would be appealing to a range of people to both sexes, boys and girls. Depending on who is on the front cover, this would attract different audiences. For example if I were to put someone like Justin Bieber on the cover, this would mainly attract girls but if I were to put someone like Katy Perry or Jessie J in a sexy tasteful outfit which would attract to girls because they woluld buy the magazine because of her music, and for the boys because of an atractive female on the front but they could also just buy the magazine to see what it is about.
I would say that my target audience would have to have a specific taste to be able to buy my magazine, they would have to have an interest in fashion as the artist's sense of style is very important to their image to their fans. I would say that my stereotypical audience would shop somewhere like TOPSHOP, TOPMAN, River Island, All Saints. All the young high street shops that sell young and modern clothes.
They would probably have like POP music to really enjoy my magazine and like to listen to pop artists like Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj etc. I have chosen this particular genre to base my magazine on because of how versatile it is, you can get artists like Britney who is just your classic pop, then there are people like Nicki Minaj who bring a R n B element to their music incoporating rap which could grab new audiences from the R n B group who normally wouldn't losten to pop music.
I would say that my tagret audience would be influenced a lot of what they see on tv, they would probably watch shows like Gossip Girl, 90210, Glee. Anything that is current and popular they would watch.

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